Google Chrome == Internet Yes, Desktop No

Posted on: September 22nd, 2010

Google Chrome.  You know it.  It’s that way cool, very fast browser from the folks who gave us all a better way to search.  Well, that browser, Chrome, from Google?  Sometime around March, 2010, it completely forgot that your desktop exists. What are you talking about Ben? Oh, you don’t know this story?  Sit back […]

But I'm not a developer!

Posted on: September 9th, 2010

I lack objectivity when it comes to programming. I enjoy it. Programming is problem solving. It almost always includes a reasonable explanation. Programming involves building things, and fixing and refining the things that you build.

Getting ePub output into iBooks on iPhone/iPad

Posted on: August 27th, 2010

In a recent Study Hall, someone asked how one can deploy the ePub output generated by ePublisher to an iPad.  This path has been a little unclear to me and so I promised to research and blog what I found.

Use JScript .NET instead

Posted on: August 15th, 2010

The ePublisher platform rests on top of the .NET platform.  Even though the bulk of the ePublisher processing is done with XSL, you can opt to process items with any of the .NET CLR languages rather than XSL. I published a wiki article which includes an ePublisher project that demonstrates processing content paragraphs with JScript .NET.   I […]

iBooks thoughts

Posted on: August 13th, 2010

Since the launch of ePublisher 2010.2, which included the new ePub format, I have been spending time with the iBooks app to see how I like it. That’s what I want to talk about in this article. What are my impressions, prejudices, likes, dislikes and so on.

Study Hall Makeup

Posted on: May 12th, 2010

Today I completely spaced on a Study Hall session that was to occur at 3:00pm CDT.  To make amends, I have scheduled a make-up session for Thursday, May 13 at {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed} займ без проверок

Building a better AutoMap

Posted on: April 27th, 2010

ePublisher includes tools to create designs (Pro), stamp them out (Express), and automate builds (AutoMap).  The thing is, AutoMap, as it exists today, is not always the right fit for our users.  It offers more capability than some folks will ever leverage.  For them, AutoMap is simply too expensive.  Others make extensive use of AutoMap’s […]

Is anybody out there there?

Posted on: April 2nd, 2010

Market research is tricky business.  Knowing how to help your current customers is an easy affair (Focus, Focus, Focus).  Keep your ears open and they will tell you what they need.  Finding something new that both your current customers and potential customers find exciting is quite a bit more difficult.  I can’t ask a customer […]

Study Hall

Posted on: March 29th, 2010

I will be moderating an online session named Study Hall, beginning this Wednesday, March 31 at 7pm CDT.  Study Hall is an informal online session in which we will explore ePublisher related concepts and questions.  Study Hall will occur the second and last Wednesday of each month.   Bookmark the link above to keep track of […]

Sketching the Future

Posted on: February 23rd, 2010

I, like most folks, am fascinated by the future.  The reason is pretty clear.  All present possibilities may become realities in the future.  Years ago, I was happy to wait for others to create a future for me (Thanks Steve!).  I began creating a future for myself back in college; began shipping a future to […]