ePublisher 2008.2 Eclipse Help Article

Posted on: July 7th, 2008

The 2008.2 Release of the ePublisher Platform went live today. This release includes the Eclipse Help Format. I have just posted a wiki page which documents the items which are peculiar to the Eclipse Help format..google {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed} займ без проверок www.zp-pdl.com

ePublisher 2008.1 and wiki articles

Posted on: March 31st, 2008

I posted two new wiki articles. The first is a general outline of ePublisher URI Resolvers. The second is documentation for wwtransform:super, a cool new URI available in the 2008.1 runtime.ePublisher 2008.1 is here. Happy Q2..google {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed} займ без проверок https://zp-pdl.com/online-payday-loans-cash-advances.php

Quarterly Releases == Trust

Posted on: March 28th, 2008

Quarterly ReleasesOur first ever quarterly release is scheduled to ship early next week. On the one hand, you could say our first quarterly release will be at the end of June. On the other hand, even if customers cannot yet perceive the change, internally we’re experiencing shifts in our approach to building and shipping software. […]

Wiki Versus the 80-20 Rule

Posted on: January 25th, 2008

I’m passionate about business philosophies and how they can be applied tobusiness processes and systems. Recently, I realized that new tools, such as internal wikis, can call for rethinking our assumptions/common understandings of even well established business philosophies, such as the 80-20 rule.I was reading a popular book on how to build and stretch an […]

Publishing Content From the WebWorks Wiki

Posted on: January 11th, 2008

One of the more interesting aspects of the ePublisher 9.3 Release is the introduction of the Xml Adapter. By default, this Adapter allows users to generate output from DITA source documents. However, perhaps more significantly, it carries with it the ability to configure ePublisher to accept ANY input source.To demonstrate this functionality, during RoundUp 2007, […]

Adding Intuitive Icons to Your HTML Hyperlinks

Posted on: January 2nd, 2008

The following image is a recent screen capture of our website front page. Notice that there are icons placed after all the text hyperlinks. Today’s blog entry will discuss a fairly straight forward CSS method for adding this behavior to any web content, including legacy files. Background For our website, we wanted our text hyperlinks […]

ePublisher Plug-ins

Posted on: December 27th, 2007

Extensibility is the hallmark of Quadralay’s publishing products. Invariably, if we didn’t ship a given feature with the product, someone, somewhere found a way to add it to the mix. Whether on Publisher 2003 or ePublisher, customers found a way to be happy and successful.Until upgrade time.

FrameMaker 8 Conditional Expressions

Posted on: December 19th, 2007

Figure: FrameMaker 8’s Show Conditional Text as per Expression Currently, we are working on updating ePublisher to run on WindowsVista. Also I am working on updating ePublisher’s FrameMaker ToolAdapter to support FrameMaker 8. One of the more challengingaspects of this latter task is adding support for FrameMaker 8’s new”conditional expression” feature. This feature allows the […]

Evaluating ePublisher Express instead of Pro

Posted on: December 18th, 2007

Today, I would like to briefly explain a change in the process for evaluating ePublisher that began with the 9.3 release.The change was to have users download and install the component called: ePublisher Express instead of ePublisher Pro. The motivation being to more gradually introduce new users to the powerful design capabilities built into ePublisher […]

process soup

Posted on: December 10th, 2007

Ingredients I have a tendency to want to write a program first and design it later. Given that my academic background is not computer science, I often feel that I'm missing something about spec writing, design, etc. And I am. I believe that the penultimate of hubris, a path I traverse more often than I […]