Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

WebWorks FTP Deployment (Experimental)

Posted on: December 7th, 2010 No Comments

We just posted an application and wiki entry for a new experimental FTP deployment client for ePublisher. Anyone interested in using FTP(S) for deployment, please give it a go and give us feedback.  Please comment either on the wiki page or this blog {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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Google Chrome == Internet Yes, Desktop No

Posted on: September 22nd, 2010 No Comments

Google Chrome.  You know it.  It’s that way cool, very fast browser from the folks who gave us all a better way to search.  Well, that browser, Chrome, from Google?  Sometime around March, 2010, it completely forgot that your desktop exists.

What are you talking about Ben?

Oh, you don’t know this story?  Sit back and I’ll get you up to speed. (more…)

Study Hall Makeup

Posted on: May 12th, 2010 No Comments

Today I completely spaced on a Study Hall session that was to occur at 3:00pm CDT.  To make amends, I have scheduled a make-up session for Thursday, May 13 at {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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Is anybody out there there?

Posted on: April 2nd, 2010 No Comments

Market research is tricky business.  Knowing how to help your current customers is an easy affair (Focus, Focus, Focus).  Keep your ears open and they will tell you what they need.  Finding something new that both your current customers and potential customers find exciting is quite a bit more difficult.  I can’t ask a customer focus group from 2011 what I should be working on today.  So, like everyone else, we just do our best by gathering market data and reading the tea leaves.Recently, I blogged on our approach for validate market directions with sketches (Sketching the Future).  Now I’ll show you how we are working to locate those potential directions.  Our goal for each market is to simply understand:  Is anybody out there there? (more…)

Keeping Pace with ePublisher

Posted on: February 5th, 2010 No Comments

Back a few weeks ago, I wrote “2009.4 and the missing feature“.  Customers gave that post some great feedback. People seemed to understand our goals for end-of-year releases.  It made sense to them that we dedicate time in our annual release cycle to focus solely upon stability.As validating as it was to receive that feedback, concerns were expressed regarding the pace of ePublisher releases.  The message?

Slow down!!!


Focus, Focus, Focus

Posted on: January 27th, 2010 No Comments

It never fails.  We ship the quarterly ePublisher release and the challenge begins anew:

What are we going to ship THIS quarter?

Marketing is analyzing, Sales is requesting, and Support is demanding.  And on the other side of those groups are our customers.  Some, we will delight. Others will curse our names, shocked to find that we have chosen a challenge other than the one they face.  The choices are never easy even when the strategy is clear:

All we have to do is choose wisely.


Building New Stuff

Posted on: January 19th, 2010 No Comments

One of the things that is challenging for me as a developer is staying on target with regard to ePublisher development when there are so many glittery web-technologies to play with. For example, I have have long yearned for a true AutoMap server which would allow for the Administration of ePublisher/AutmoMap configuration and execution over a web (http) connection. Recently I put together a Google Docs input adapter with the intention of demonstrating the capabilities of the ePublisher architecture. When it comes to inputs, I’ve got far more ideas than I have time to implement. (more…)

Bugs and Car Talk Syndrome

Posted on: January 15th, 2010 No Comments

Bugs!  Isn’t that a great topic to blog about?  Well, maybe not.  Still, I wanted to talk about this subject because we’ve been missing out on an opportunity to learn from each other, make people happy, and improve ePublisher.  There is one catch.  Making this change happen requires a partnership between and you. (more…)


Posted on: October 20th, 2009 No Comments

I had meant to blog about coming to RoundUp last week…and then I didn’t.  So, for those of us who are here anyway, wow!  What a good conference.  In the interests of disclosure I will good ahead and let you know that I’m going to gush a little.  Yesterday gets my vote for the all-time best RoundUp day ever.  The panels (the one I saw:)) were fluid, effective, informative.Boot CampThe Boot Camp room, where I was set up for all but one panel, was good.  I demoed a transformer server that we used as a teaching tool and this seemed to go really well.  The main purpose of the tool is to provide an online XSL Transform to evaluate XPath, try out transformation scenarios; basically, play with XSL right away without and run-time set up.Case Studies and PresentationStewart MaderThe case studies and presentations have been really good.  That’s admittedly a tepid comment, given that it uses “really” qualifier.  But I am sincere.  In the case of both morning presentations, Stewart Mader and Tom Johnson, both gave effective  presentations…and I disagreed with a lot of their ideas.  This is hardly surprising, given that I find nearly all opinions which are not my own, at least minorly offensive in some way.  I also feel that precisely because I disagreed with their opinions so strongly (at least in Tom’s case), the presentations were highly effective.  Perhaps at another time I will blog about what chaffed.Tom Johnson**POSTSCRIPT-ish** OK, I’ve now talked to three different people about my strong disagreements and I’m convinced that this is my own trip.  Ben made the point that when I questioned Tom today after the session, it was as if I felt, he were talking directly to me.  Touched a nerve.  Anyway, great presentation Tom, for real.Booze CruiseSo at the end of the magical first day, we had a cruise out on Ladybird Lake (formerly known as Town Lake (when did that happen? (i’m writing recursive asides, i’m such a programming nerd!!))).  The weather was that one-of- two days-of-perfect-72-degree-weather-a-year in Austin.  At the tail end of it, in the sun setting sky, the bats came spewing out of the Congress Avenue bridge just as the boat took our happy party beneath it. Sweetness.ManyanaSome great stuff has turned up at RoundUp this year.  I’m a little jealous of the folks like Mary Anthony and Liz Keene and Jae Evans, with whom I did a panel on Monday, when I hear about all of the cool stuff they’re doing with ePublisher.  It may seem that I’m blowing smoke up my own or our collective company’s wazoo, but the fact is, I love to tinker and when ePublisher is at its best, it’s like a muscle car that you tinker with and that’s what these folks are doing.  Tomorrow some of the attendees will get to showcase some of what they’ve done while here.  Also, we have a neat demo waiting in the wings that I’ll blog about more at a later time. And at a little after noon tomorrow, it’s over, quick as it started, with scarcely a ripple showing in the busy downtown Austin bustle, with a release bearing down, and with a defiant and lingering joy or buzz or {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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ePublisher Feed Reader

Posted on: October 7th, 2009 No Comments

Shortly after the release of 2009.2, and after some cooperative discussion here on ways that we might improve ePublisher moving forward, I started work on a Feed Reader for the ePublisher Start Page.  This isn’t that ground-breaking as a Feed Reader seems to be fairly commonplace on a start or splash page.  The first iteration simply listed the feed items and allowed you to view the entry in your default browser.This was good progress, but we wanted to see if we could open the blog entries directly in ePublisher, as is the case in Visual Studio.  This turned out to be not too difficult to implement.  I think it’s cool that a fairly minor augmentation could change the way I think about ePublisher.  We’ve always had the ability to view HTML in ePublisher, though the only current place that we use this capability is in the Preview.  Opening up ePublisher to allow for browsing the web at-large caused a small cascade of ideas, which I will mention in a later post.I’m including a couple of screen captures.  I am completely to blame for the colors, whether you like them or you don’t.  Thoughts?


Start Page with feed reader


Feed link open in ePublisher Pro

.google {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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