Posts Tagged ‘moinmoin help explorer’

Wiki Gets Facelift!

Posted on: March 20th, 2009 No Comments

I’m glad to announce that the WebWorks Docs Wiki has just received a facelift.

Does this mean it looks different?

    – Yes.

Does this mean it functions different?

    – No… well Yes.

So what did actually change?

We changed the MoinMoin theme of the Wiki to use a theme based on the classic Windows Explorer approach to viewing files, or in this case, wiki pages. Then we observed how we could use wiki categories (similar to delicious tagging) to construct a more functional and visual approach to navigating the entire contents of a wiki. You will probably notice that it looks very similar to an online help format, and certainly it has that capability as well. However, there is much more here than just meets the eye….

Please stay tuned, as I have more to reveal, but it will require more than one post. Have a great day!