One of the easiest things in ePublisher to modify is the company information. In fact, you can do it with just four steps in Reverb:
- Go to the the Reverb target that you have created and then go to Target -> Target Settings
- Expand the Company Information pane and then click the in the Value column to add the values* you want
- Once you are satisfied with the information, click OK to go back to the ePublisher UI
- Click the three gears to generate the output and then you will see the changes
If you are working with WebWorks Help 5.0 for example, and you want to specify further the top or bottom alignment, we can do this by using the Style Designer’s Page Styles
- Navigate to the Style Designer by clicking the icon or using the Menu bar and then navigate to the Page Styles in the middle column
- Click on the Default in the list and then click on the Options Pane toward the right
- Let’s choose a Top/Right alignment, so select Enabled for Company info displayed at top and Right for Company info top alignment for the options
- Click the triple gears to generate all and notice then notice changes from clicking the output Output Explorer**
There you go, easy as pie. Please comment if there are any specific topics you would like to be simplified in the Newbies series.
*If you want to add a logo, you will need to have it placed in the Files directory. Go to View -> User Files to have it placed in the Windows Explorer so it can be easily accessed by our generation process
**You may have it already configured to view the output automatically, and that is cool, too!
Can’t we add company info in PDF footer or header?
Is it possible to include an image/logo along with company info in PDF header/footer?