Wow – That Was A Lot Of Emails.

Posted on: September 24th, 2009

Earlier this month we made some significant changes to both our licensing and our pricing, and to celebrate decided to give all our customers, and anyone else who might be interested, unprecedented access to ePublisher.

We wanted to show you everything, and with that in mind we soon started referring to the offer as the “full monty.” Anyone could download any product and use it as many times and install it on as many machines as they wanted for the offer period.

As a run up to the promotion I thought it was about time we reached out to various customers that we hadn’t spoken to in a while. So I sent out an email checking-in with various people and asking how things were working with the ePublisher installation.

Obviously I was hoping to get a few responses that would open up conversations with people we had been a bit remiss in chatting to over the last 12 months or so.

What I didn’t expect was the volume of responses.

In the first couple of days I received well over 300 emails, and, almost two weeks later, I am still receiving several responses a day.

The responses ranged from quick one liners to very detailed descriptions of people’s workflow and how they are using ePublisher (and in a few cases why they aren’t).

My intention at the start was to respond personally to each email I received. I have read each one as it arrived, and where immediate follow up was needed I either responded or passed the email on to the appropriate member of the WebWorks team for follow up.

So a few of you who took the time to respond, have heard from me – but there are still many, many, more who haven’t yet.

It is still my intention to send a personal response to every email – it is just going to take me a little longer than I first thought. Each day I get through another batch, but please be patient if it takes a while for you to hear back from me.

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