He Speaketh Here, He Speaketh There

Posted on: January 20th, 2009

If you are planning on attending any conferences, or STC chapter meetings, over the next few months there’s a good chance that you’ll find me stood up at the front of a room somewhere, talking about something.

In the new updated standard bio I use for speaking engagements I added a line about being “happy to talk publishing to anyone who will listen.” Based on that statement, this year I should be a very happy guy.

Over the last few days I’ve spent time updating the WebWorks.com event list and booking flights and hotels – and it seems I will be doing a lot of talking.

I’ll be kicking off 2009 tomorrow evening with an online presentation to the STC Palm Beaches FL chapter. My subject for the evening will be:

Why Technical Writers Shouldn’t Be “Writers.”

A topic that was well received when I presented at the Central Texas STC Fall Seminar last year.

I’ll be reprising the same topic at the first major conference this year

DocTrain West.

If you are attending this great event in Palm Springs in March, I will be presenting on March 19th at 2:30pm as part of the Professional Development track.

If you haven’t attended a DocTrain Conference yet, I can highly recommend them for a great mix of presentations, workshops and networking opportunities.

At the end of March I will also be attending the WritersUA conference in Seattle, and although I won’t be speaking at that one, I will be there to support our partner Paul Mueller from User Aid, who will be presenting a session on the WebWorks wiki documentation project.

Also on the schedule is this year’s STC Summit, where as well as helping to man the WebWorks booth, I will also be presenting a couple of papers.

So far my list of speaking engagements for 2009 is up to seven, with more to come.

I’ll make sure to post more details as we get closer to each event.

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