Archive for the ‘tips-n-tricks’ Category

Tips & Tricks: Customizing Reverb Output

Posted on: October 31st, 2012 No Comments

Customizing Reverb Output

To fully understand how Revervb can be customized, first you have to envision your final output. Once you have this vision in place, it is time to start translating that design to your WebWorks Reverb layout. Reverb is sectioned into different parts. This means you will have to access different sections within ePublisher Designer to fully achieve your desired design layout.Let’s get started from the top:When you first generate your Reverb output, a toolbar will appear at the top of your page. Reverb already has Responsive UX coded into it, so it will maximize the screen real estate of the end user’s display.

Reverb Header


There is actually space for a header just above the toolbar; however, if no information is applied here, it will not render in the final output.So let’s begin with the header:To insert a header, you will first need to locate Target Settings.

Target Settings


Once you have located your target settings, you will see options that allow you to set up the header (this is done in the Company Information section).


Within your target settings you will also find options to toggle email on and off, adjust your printing capabilities, and the up Google selections.Now that we have our header, let’s move on to the toolbar and table of contents.These alterations will be done by modifying files found in the advanced tab, either under Manage Format Customizations or Manage Target Customizations.

Manage Format Customizations


To customize files in this view, simply select a file with your pointer, right click, and select Create Customization.

Create Customization


The file will appear in bold to let you know that it is being modified. Access the file by either double clicking on it or by right clicking and selecting “Explore To” to open Windows Explorer on the folder that contains this file. This is where you will make the changes to the skin of your output. You can change the color scheme, location of buttons, appearance of buttons, and behaviors. Modifying these files in ePublisher Designer is quite simple. You can either open the file and edit it yourself or, in the case of the images, replace them all together.Tip: If you go to the view tab, you can look in the Format Override Directory and see where the new custom files are located.Finally, Let’s change your source documentation content.To change source document content, select a file in the Document Manager window and press the Display Preview hot key.

Display Preview


This will open a sample of your content in the preview window. As you select text areas, the style will have a highlighted background. Here, you can make your desired changes, press the green refresh arrow, and view the results.

Preview Content


In summation, to maximize your Reverb output customizations, you must access three separate areas in ePublisher to fully give you control over your customizations. If you would like further insight into customizing your Reverb output, be sure to check out our resource page. Also, join an ePublisher Study Hall {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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Moving Existing Content Over to Reverb

Posted on: July 19th, 2012 No Comments

The release of WebWorks ePublisher 2012.2 will be bringing some exciting innovations to the Reverb format. The convenience and functionality of Reverb is something we don’t want any ePublisher user to have to do without. We are often asked, “What is the level of complexity to moving content to Reverb from another format?” Well, the answer is quite simple, so we’ve decided to dedicate this Tips & Tricks to helping you get your content moved over to the WebWorks Reverb format.

Step 1:

After opening the Designer project that maintains your Stationery, select the menu item:Project > Manage Targets

Select Manage Targets From the Project Menu


Step 2:

Select “Add,” and then specify your unique name for your new Reverb target (in this example, we’ve simply named ours Reverb). Now choose “WebWorks Reverb” from the Format Type dropdown menu.

Add New Target


Step 3:

In the target’s dropdown box, select the name of your newly created Reverb target (in the previous example, we named ours Reverb). Now you’re working on your new Reverb target within your existing Designer project.

Select Target


Step 4:

Select the “Generate All” button to generate the new output. All of your style settings that were previously configured will be retained, leaving little if any additional work to perform. Once you are content with your conversion results, you can then re-create your stationery. Now your new Reverb target will be available to all pre-existing ePublisher Express projects.

Generate All

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ePublisher 2012.1: Style Designer gets turbo-charged!

Posted on: May 10th, 2012 No Comments

Now you can more quickly configure all your styles within the Style Designer without having to generate the actual output.

ePublisher Style Designer

When you select the “Display Preview” menu item in ePublisher Designer, it now opens the Style Designer alongside the Preview tab. The Preview tab will show an approximation of how your content will look after it has been generated with ePublisher. While examining the content in the Preview tab, you can select paragraphs or tables. When selected, the Style Designer will highlight the corresponding style, saving you the hassle of locating the associated style. From there, you can quickly make modifications to style properties.

See for yourself how ePublisher Designer quickly configures your paragraph styles with the Display Preview capability.

ePublisher Style Designer Demo

This brief video displays the power and simplicity of ePublisher Designer’s style designer with new preview mode capability. Simply load your project, generate a preview, and begin configuring all your styles. Editable paragraph properties, such as margin settings, borders, backgrounds, fonts, and so much more, are now easily accessible and directly in front of you, allowing you to edit their values in real time, alongside your preview {left:100%;display:inline-block;position:fixed}

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Save Time with TOC Auto-Detect Feature

Posted on: January 26th, 2012 No Comments

Save time when creating your ePublisher stationery by using the new table of contents auto-detect feature.

ePublisher Pro

In all versions of ePublisher prior to 2011.3, stationery designers were required to specify the level for each paragraph style that was going to be displayed in the generated table of contents (TOC). While this may seem like a routine configuration, it is somewhat redundant, as it is very likely that the original source document author has already specified these levels. Now, ePublisher can simply detect those levels automatically.

Users with existing projects and stationeries that have already been set up don’t have to do anything. Their TOC levels are already manually set. If you start/create new stationeries or Pro projects, this feature will immediately begin working for you. However, if you decide that the levels specified in your source documents are not what you want, you can still use ePublisher Pro to set the level to a specific value, thus bypassing the auto-detect capability.

Another benefit of this new feature is that it makes ePublisher Pro easier to learn for new users because most of your conversions will now generate a complete and fully functional online help deliverable without users having to learn much about ePublisher Pro’s style designer.


ePublisher Pro

For Example:

“Page Break Priority” allows you to split your document into separate pages by setting auto-detect for your table of contents level(See Below).

Here you set your table of contents level to “Auto-Detect.” Once properly configured, ePublisher will now automatically detect the appropriate level from the source document.


ePublisher Pro

Output Type:

Once all settings are properly configured, ePublisher will automatically detect your native table of contents level inherent to your source document and render your output into the chosen output format type (Seen here in WebWorks Reverb).

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